This weekend, BPVFD took delivery of nearly 3,000 feet of fire attack hose and large diameter water supply hose.
Our large diameter hose now is all updated 4-inch diameter hose tested to a higher psi than the old style. Our old style LDH was pressure tested below 200psi, while the new hose is tested at nearly 250psi. Both engines now carry 1,000 feet of this hose. This project completes our mission to move all of our supply hose to a locking-style that is safer, more durable, and more capable of moving large amounts of water. This LDH boasts a burst pressure of 760psi. Additionally, the last 200 feet of large diameter hose on each supply bed is red to indicate to the operator that they are near the end of lay.
We have updated our attack hose from a double rubber coated hose to a poly-urethane lined hose that is lighter, stronger, and produces less kinks. The color coordination of the hose allows our firefighters to know the length of the lay based on the color. This style of hose will allow our pump operators to move more water while fatiguing our firefighters less.
The attack hose and supply hose have been funded solely by donations and two separate grants successfully written by members Jim Steber and Jim Brodell! Thank you to the NYS DEC Volunteer Firefighter Assistance Program and The Chautauqua Community Foundation for your continued support and thank you to the public for continuing to help us help you. Thank you to Travis Rawleigh at Churchville Fire Equipment for keeping us fitted quickly and properly!
Older hose will he donated to neighboring departments in need!